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MHorsey Hooligan

Likes: 102 Dislikes: 40

on Fimfiction, by Some Leech

Equestria GirlsSexFetishProfanityPornHumanAlt. UniverseTwilightShining ArmorSunset Shimmer

Sunset Shimmer bullies local nerd then suffers the disastrous repercussions. News at 11!

Sunset Shimmer was never the nicest girl in school. She'd bully her fellow students, was rude to teachers, and strutted around like she owned the place - still, among all her classmates, there was one who got the abuse far worse than the rest. Twilight Sparkle, resident nerd and shut-in, is the subject of most of the bully's torment - still, despite being harassed, she's not beyond doing a bit of scheming.

NOTE! All characters portrayed are at or over the age of eighteen.

Kinks Include
Pecking Order: Futa on Female, Oral, Vaginal, Rough Rutting, Shameful Squirting, a Degrading Money-Shot
A Challenger Approaches : Bestiality, Male on Futa, Anal, Very Rough Sex, Musk, Cock Worship, Hands-Free Ejaculation
Boys Will Be Boys: Futa on Male, A Random Abyssinian Cat-Boy (Don't Ask Questions), Emasculation, Oral, Anal, Cock Worship, Ball Worship, Crossdressing, Spontaneous Ejaculations, Musk, Size Difference, Threesomes, Several Creampies

Artwork by Reiduran

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

MInhuman Impulses

Likes: 516 Dislikes: 28

on Fimfiction, by Some Leech

Equestria GirlsSexFetishPornAnthroHumanSunset Shimmer

Sunset Shimmer finds herself suffering from a few otherworldly urges...

Unlike Equestria, Earth has a glaring lack of magic and sapient creatures - besides humans - though there are a few beneficial trade-offs. Advanced technology and engineering abound, including the internet, which led to Sunset discovering that some humans have a very particular love for equines. More than a little intrigued, she finds herself increasingly interested on the subject of animal husbandry...

Kinks Include: Masturbation, Bestiality, Oral, Vaginal, Extreme Size Difference, Cock Worship, Musk, Transformation (Ponying-Up), Cumflation (Cum Inflation), and a Good 'Ol Taste of Home Sweet Home...

Artwork by Bigdad

A good friend and wonderfully talented artist made TWO animations which accompany this story. Check out the patreon for Hatter's Lye to find 'em!

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE


Likes: 506 Dislikes: 19

on Fimfiction, by Darth Link 22

Equestria GirlsRomanceDramaAlt. UniverseSpikeMain 6Sunset ShimmerFlash SentryMain 7 (EqG)

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

Change happens, no matter what any creature wishes. Actions have consequences, no matter how badly you want to ignore them. And now, magic is starting to grow in the human world in a very big way, a way that can't be hidden in a single high school.

With the inevitable coming, inhabitants of two worlds have to scramble to get a grip on what's going on before it flows out of control. Hopefully they can figure out this new magic in time to ensure a peaceful relationship between the two worlds.

Too bad there's another party interested in magic...

Check out the TVTropes page.

EIt Started With a Whisper

Likes: 298 Dislikes: 25

on Fimfiction, by RadiantBeam

MLP: FiMEquestria GirlsRomanceHumanTwilightSunset Shimmer

Twilight has learned that ponies love to talk about her, since she became a princess. They especially love to talk about her love life.

If there was one thing Twilight Sparkle had learned since ascending to alicornhood and becoming a princess, it was that ponies talked. Then, quite suddenly, they were talking about her.

And then they were talking about her love life since she was a single princess, unmarried and approachable.

She was still getting used to that part.

She was especially getting used to talking about it with Sunset.

5/14/2018: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

EMagical Curiosity

Likes: 393 Dislikes: 20

on Fimfiction, by Comma Typer

MLP: FiMEquestria GirlsDramaTragedyTwilightSunset ShimmerStarlight GlimmerSci-TwiMain 7 (EqG)

Sunset Shimmer's close friends know about the magical world called "Equestria", but, soon, Twilight becomes unsatisfied with just having their questions answered. So, Sunset brings her camera in her next trip across the portal.

For Sunset Shimmer, letting a group of impressionable high school students in the know about another dimension where magic reigns and talking ponies are the norm is not the easiest thing to handle. It does not help that the portal to this dimension is right in front of the school.

Sooner or later, though, she has to deal with more than mere questions about Equestria. Twilight becomes curious enough that words won't cut it for her anymore. She wants to see this dimension for herself.

So, Sunset begins by offering to bring her camera through the portal to take pictures and videos of her next trip there in Equestria.

TNot that Lonely

Likes: 739 Dislikes: 19

on Fimfiction, by Justice3442

Equestria GirlsSexProfanityComedyRandomSlice of LifeSunset ShimmerApplejack (EqG)Spike (EqG)Fluttershy (EqG)Main 7 (EqG)

Applejack asks Sunset if she ever misses an aspect of her home. Specifically, one aspect that can possibly be filled in a big way this side of the portal.

The following contains young adults talking in a frank manner. Reader discretion is advised, not recommended for those with a maturity level above twelve years of age. Parental guidance is not advised, they would not understand.

Thanks to Tired Old Man, Nova Quill/Firimil,
Steel Resolve, and Somber Star for their edits and suggestions.

TOops! I'm Equine Again

Likes: 1945 Dislikes: 106

on Fimfiction, by MythrilMoth

MLP: FiMEquestria GirlsSexComedyMysterySlice of LifeTwilightCelestiaTirekStarlight GlimmerMain 7 (EqG)

Sunset Shimmer suddenly turns back into a pony.

Sunset Shimmer has finally rebuilt her life at Canterlot High. She has friends, she's in a band, people like her, everything's going great...

And then out of nowhere, she turns back into a small talking unicorn.

Now, with the help of her friends, she has to figure out why she's suddenly a pony in a human world, and whether or not she can become human again...or will have to leave her new life and go back to Equestria.

(Cover art vector sources: Elsia-pony, TheShadowStone)

Now with a TVTropes page!

TPandemic: What you are Meant to Be

Likes: 177 Dislikes: 31

on Fimfiction, by Halira

MLP: FiMProfanityDramaSlice of LifeHumanAlt. UniverseOCBat Pony

The ETS pandemic spreads across the southern United States transforming humans into ponies. In the wake of it a boy named Mathew tries to cope with the changing world and finding out what he is becoming.

When the ETS pandemic started spreading throughout the world the south in the United States was hit particularly hard. The south had a culture all its own with a stronger focus on conservative political beliefs, religion, and a strong belief in maintaining tradition and culture.

Having the ETS pandemic come strongest here was one of the greatest ironies ever. Now all of what the south was is about to be upended. For Mathew, a teen from a town in South Carolina it means far more than that. It meanst re-examining who he is and who he is meant to be.


Shares same universe with: Pandemic by ASGeek2012 it is not required you read this story, but it will help understand some things going on in the background.

This story is considered an origin story for many of the characters in Pandemic: Picking Up the Pieces. This story is not required reading for that, but if you want to learn more about some of the characters this is where you'll find it.

Story is now complete and editing is underway. Many chapters are still pretty rough. I grew a lot as a writer as this story went on, and there is an increase in quality between the first half of this story the second half, and then the sequel.

Rating and Trigger Warning Notes: There are mentions of extreme violence at some points, general bigotry, LGBT characters (Lesbian and Transgender), there is no sex shown in this story but it's alluded to at some points

TPaP: Bedtime Stories

Likes: 279 Dislikes: 24

on Fimfiction, by Starscribe

MLP: FiMViolenceDeathProfanityAdventureSci-FiAnthologyHumanAlt. UniverseOCOtherChangelingsSunset Shimmer

Earth used to have humans living on it. Now it has ponies, some of which used to be human. It will take ten thousand years for every human alive on earth to return. A lot can happen in that much time.

On May 23, 2015, the world ended. It wasn't violent, it wasn't bloody, and it wasn't even very dramatic. The entire population of the planet vanished. But they didn't stay gone; almost at once, refugees started trickling back. Unfortunately for them, they didn't come back with their humanity intact.

Demons lurk beneath the sea, while strange spirits whisper promises in dreams. Empires rise, dictators control, and ponies have nowhere to turn for help. Nowhere except themselves, and old-fashioned hard work.

This story is an anthology. Each chapter will be independent, though some chapters may reference characters or events from previous sections. This story began as a series of blog entries, so those who read those may have seen some of these before.

In general, each of these chapters was written in an hour and was not edited to my usual standard, so expect a few minor errors (sorry!). Chapters are posted in chronological order, so new chapters may appear in the middle of the story.

One final note: This story has no regular posting schedule. It will update whenever I feel like it.

TPrincipal of Equestria

Likes: 2362 Dislikes: 86

on Fimfiction, by MareDoVVell

MLP: FiMEquestria GirlsSexRomanceComedySlice of LifeHumanTwilightCelestiaLunaMain 6Sunset Shimmer

Why is Celestia laying on the floor in Twilight's library? Why does she seem so confused? Why does she look different? WHY IS THE PORTAL MIRROR STILL ON?

Principal Celestia has accidentally fallen through the mirror into Equestria, and it may be a bit before she can go home. Until then, she has to learn to cope with a strange world, in a strange body.

At the same time, Twilight has to figure out how she can help her new guest while keeping Equestria from freaking out over the presence of a second Celestia, and Sunset Shimmer has to figure out how she is going to make amends with those she had left behind in Equestria, while keeping an eye on her Principal.

Disclaimer: Since I wrote this description ages ago before I even knew the plot, the story is mostly pure comedy in the beginning, with eventual Sunlight and Chryslestia shipping!

Cover image by Arvaus, used with permission.

MQuenching a Sunset

Likes: 494 Dislikes: 22

on Fimfiction, by Clopficsinthecomments

MLP: FiMEquestria GirlsSexProfanityComedyPornTwilightOCSunset ShimmerStarlight Glimmer

Sunset has a problem. She's spent years in the human world trying to solve it, suppressing it, learning to live with it... she requires a 'larger' more 'fulfilling' satisfaction. Could she find what she needs by travelling to a Las Pegasus sex shop?

Sunset Shimmer had a problem.

Ever since she'd traveled through the dimension portal into the world of humans she'd always felt a powerful,
hungry need. A lust to fill her body with 'more' than what was available from the teenage boys around her. It was like something in her biology was broken - some piece of her never seemed to have made the switch from pony to human... if anything, that piece seemed to have been kicked into overdrive upon being placed into this more frail body.

She'd tried everything: masturbation, dates with boys, exotic toys... when she'd gotten close to doing unspeakable acts to a stallion she'd finally had to stop herself and try meditation and suppression. That seemed to work great!

That is... until she made the mistake of going back into Equestria to get a new journal and the old sensations of being a fertile mare rushed back to her - there would be no meditating this away.

Sunset travels back to Equestria, desperate for help from her new friend Starlight, who directs her to a little-known but highly reputed sex-toy store in Las Pegasus.

Will Sunset Shimmer be able to find the fulfillment she so desperately desires from the quirky store-owner?


Contains: pony m/f, oral, light anilingus,

Written as a celebratory fic for my good friend Big-Mac-115 getting a #1 post on Derpibooru! He also did all the reaction faces that you'll see inside the fic, as well as the cover art!

Honeycrisp is one of his OC's and a fun side character in the Space Ponyo universe!

I hope you enjoy.

Featured from 1/13/18 - 1/18/18!

ERemedial Studies

Likes: 155 Dislikes: 6

on Fimfiction, by Rose Quill

MLP: FiMComedySlice of LifeAlt. UniverseCelestiaMain 6Sunset ShimmerStarlight GlimmerJuniper Montage

As part of allowing Sunset Shimmer to stay, Celestia requires her to pass her missed exams.

Sunset has decided to return to Equestria, but Celestia - ever the teacher - requires her to complete the exams she’s missed out on during her exile. Fortunately, she is given time to prepare.

Gift for Night Spark


Likes: 702 Dislikes: 53

on Fimfiction, by Scipio Smith

Equestria GirlsViolenceDeathRomanceAdventureDramaCrossoverHumanAlt. UniverseSunset ShimmerRainbow Dash (EqG)Sci-Twi

Sunset, Jaune, Pyrrha and Ruby are Team SAPR, and together they fight to defeat the malice of Salem, uncover the truth about Ruby's past and fill the emptiness within their souls.

Sunset Shimmer fled from Equestria in search of the destiny that Celestia sought to deny to her. She dreamed of finding great glory and power in a strange new world. But she emerged on the other side of the mirror in a harsh cruel world beset by demons and troubled by division, conflict and racial animus: the world of Remnant.

Now, years later, Sunset has completed her studies at Canterlot Combat School and is ready to attend Beacon Academy. She hopes that in the more progressive Kingdom of Vale her appearance as a pony faunus will not be held against her the way it was in Atlas, and she can rise as high as her talents permit and seize with both hands the destiny she still yearns for.

Sunset finds herself assigned to lead three fellow freshman at the Huntsman Academy: Jaune Arc, who dreams of becoming a hero elevated above all others; Pyrrha Nikos, a peerless warrior who has everything that Sunset wants and hates everything about it; and Ruby Rose, a simpler and more honest soul who simply wants to save as many people as she can, and who might just light the way to their salvation.

Together they are Team SAPR, and together they are plunged into a world of mysteries, magic, allies and enemies, robot girls and Atlasian black ops experiments. It won't be easy, but if they can work together, teach Jaune how to fight and maybe learn to get along as friends along the way, then they might just save the world.

Original Cover Art by Mix-Up
Current Cover Art by MRK50
Now with a TV Tropes page

Also with a Discord Server

ESecond Sunset

Likes: 752 Dislikes: 16

on Fimfiction, by Starscribe

MLP: FiMAdventureAlt. UniverseDaring DoSunset ShimmerFlash Sentry

Sunset Shimmer has always known that magic was real. After discovering the portal hidden outside Canterlot High, she leaves her life behind to go inside and prove it. Equestria will never be the same.

Sunset Shimmer isn't like the other Freshman in Canterlot High School. While so many others explain away the strange things that happen in their town, she knows better. There's an entire world out there, a world of magic and incredible creatures, one that she's determined to reach.

Careful study and preparation brings her to the portal in front of her school, at the last moment of its opening. Sunset doesn't have a clue what might be waiting on the other side, but she's sure it will lead her to the magic she's always wanted.

No matter what it costs.

Updates Tuesdays.

This story was sponsored by my glorious enablers Bitera and Sparktail, who also did the editing. I know I don't deserve it. Want one of your own? Drop me a PM. Cover by Zutcha.

TShooting for Friendship

Likes: 277 Dislikes: 13

on Fimfiction, by Verbose Mode

Equestria GirlsSlice of LifeAlt. UniverseMain 7 (EqG)

Sunset Shimmer wasn't doing so well, until Pinkie Pie found something to shoot for. Literally... with Airsoft guns. - [Slice of Life]

A Tale Too Far.

The goal Sunset Shimmer devoted her entire life to was a lie. Raw power had limits. Friendships did not.
Sunset's conquerors embraced her with open arms. Searching for a way to bring her new, slightly jaded friend into her circle, Pinkie Pie stumbles upon something that may do much more than that. Something that builds trust and teams, something that turns friends into family.
They happen to be Airsoft guns.


Inspired by the anime "Tokurei Sochi Dantai Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu" ("Stella Academy Club C³") and the exploits of the ArmA community group "Shack Tactical." At least in spirit, if not style.

Rated Teen for occasional harsh language. You're all kinda adults, deal.


In dire need of a rewrite. Also dead.

Technically has a short-story prequel?: Show, Don't Tell

I must request that any corrections be sent to me as a PM, not in the comments. Please do send them, though. Otherwise I LOVE FEEDBACK AND COMMENTS.


The Goodfic Bin - Accepted

Reviewer's Cafe - Accepted

(Had one from The Good HiE List, too, but thread deleted. :applecry: )

The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group: 76/100 Recommended!

First Glance Reviews: (First Chapter) Recommended! (Thread gone :applecry: )

"kevb0's dead!"

TSteel Solstice

Likes: 281 Dislikes: 14

on Fimfiction, by Starscribe

Equestria GirlsSci-FiHumanAlt. UniverseSunset Shimmer

Sunset Shimmer travels to Earth in search of allies for Equestria. The world she finds there is hardly the one she expected.

For nearly a thousand years the ancient prophecies of Clover the Clever sat unread in Canterlot's forbidden archives. Until the day that Celestia took on an apprentice, and everything changed.

Sunset Shimmer is smart, resourceful, and determined. No matter how many new lessons Sunset learns, she just isn't satisfied. Equestria is in danger, and Celestia refuses to give her the power it would take to help defend the kingdom.

Another pony might've given up and trusted her princess to handle things. Sunset Shimmer isn't like most ponies. If Celestia won't deal with looming threats, Sunset will take matters into her own hooves. She'll find allies for Equestria even if she has to leave the universe to do it.

A prequel set in the continuity of My Little Apprentice. This story is not required to understand that one, or vice-versa.

This story was written at the behest of Two_Bit, who is sponsoring it on my Patreon. As usual, cover by Zutcha.

TSunset Reset

Likes: 2373 Dislikes: 178

on Fimfiction, by LordBrony2040

MLP: FiMSexRomanceComedyDramaSlice of LifeAlt. UniverseTwilightCelestiaCadanceShining ArmorSunset Shimmer

After the Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer decided it's time to return home. It's just that she comes back a bit earlier than expected.

After the Friendship Games, Sunset feels it's time to return home.

Only when she gets there, Twilight's castle is nowhere to be found, Cadance just got her horn, and Princess Celestia is still calling the bacon-haired pony her prized student rather than a failed one. And just reliving her past isn't on the table thanks to a pair of wings Sunset seems to have sprouted upon her return to Equestria.

With Sunset being back before she's supposed to, will the world stay as harmonious and on track, or will everything go down in flames as Sunset has to deal with allegations that she's really a changeling in disguise, a nerdy stallion with blue hair that wants to be her coltfriend, a pretty pink princess in need of remedial magic lessons, and an annoying purple pre-teen pony that will absolutely not go to bed without first being read Starswirl's Complete Mystical Mysteries Compendium?

Only time will tell

ESunset Shimmer Doesn't Want to Play Tag

Likes: 196 Dislikes: 8

on Fimfiction, by Nines

MLP: FiMSlice of LifeTwilightRainbow DashPinkieSunset Shimmer

Twilight thinks Sunset would benefit from a game of tag. Sunset thinks she needs this about as much as she needs food poisoning.

During a special picnic with Sunset Shimmer, Twilight reveals her concern that she thinks Sunset is losing her true pony self. Her suggested remedy? A rousing game of tag!

Sunset would have preferred a pop quiz.

Or a dangerous quest to recover some magical artifact.

Or anything else, honestly.

Cover art by Suramii. Takes place before Legend of Everfree.

Featured on the front page March 25th and the 26th, 2018. Thank you!

My Ko-Fi

TSunset Shimmer is MAD about EVERYTHING

Likes: 1410 Dislikes: 78

on Fimfiction, by Justice3442

MLP: FiMSexComedyDramaRandomSlice of LifeAlt. UniverseSpikeCelestiaMain 6Sunset ShimmerStarlight Glimmer

Sunset Shimmer, practitioner of friendship, twice savior of Canterlot High, alicorn. She's offered to help Twilight's new student as the whole group travels to the Crystal Empire for a Crystalling. Should be a relaxing, stress free trip. Right?

Sunset Shimmer, twice savior of Canterlot High who earned her wings by using the combined magic of the Earth elements of harmony to save the world from Twilight Sparkle (you know... the one with the glasses). She's offered to help Twilight's (you know.. the alicorn Princess of Friendship) new student learn about friendship while the whole crew embarks on a trip to the Crystal Empire. This should be a fairly relaxing and stress free trip. Right? RIGHT?!

It should go without saying, but MAJOR spoilers to the season 6 premier.

Sunset vector by mighty355. Other cover art stuff by Novel Idea!

ESunset's A Pony Again

Likes: 313 Dislikes: 25

on Fimfiction, by luckyboys121

Equestria GirlsSlice of LifeTwilightSunset ShimmerStarlight GlimmerMain 7 (EqG)

Sunset Shimmer goes to sleep one night just casually wishing that she wanted to be a pony again, but the next morning she finds that her casual wish has come true. Now she has to wonder if she can turn back and more importantly does she want too?

Sunset Shimmer was getting ready for bed like she did every night and was casually wishing that she wanted to be a pony again. It was a thought that crossed her mind from time to time so she hadn't really thought much about it but the next day she discovers that that quick wish had come true. Now she and her friends have to figure out what happened and how to fix it. Meanwhile Sunset is becoming more and more comfortable in her pony body and she starts to wonder should they fix this?

The image was create by rvceric go check them out on DeviantArt

Credit to the idea of this story goes to friend Tyler as he was the one who started talking about the whole Sunset turning back into a pony thing in a serious light while I was making jokes about it. Thanks for helping me write this buddy and I hope you like it.

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