MLP: FiMSexRomanceComedyHumanTwilightCelestiaOC
For longer than she can remember, the Princess of the Sun has been trying to bear an heir to the throne with no success. No stallion, no gryphon, no creature in the whole of Equus has been able to give her what she has wanted for so long. A child. A baby.
But there is a new being in her little kingdom, one that she happens to be very familiar with. One that wasn't born on Equus. One who might be able to make her wish come true.
The artist is Verulence is anyone wants to know
MLP: FiMSexComedyHumanTwilightSpike
A song from space arrives to Equestria and everypony is in love with it. The problem is that nopony can understand the words that are being said. Twilight, determined to let the world know about the first transmission from space, creates a machine that allows her and others to finally hear the lyrics of the song.
Pre-Read by my good friends: Distorted Flare, Chaotic Note, WIL_I_ZEN, Jake The Army Guy, bahatumay
MLP: FiMEquestria GirlsSexProfanityComedyRandomSlice of LifeHumanLunaTrixieSunset ShimmerStarlight GlimmerFluttershy (EqG)
When Trixie makes a lewd remark to Starlight Glimmer during their 'medal of honor' celebration, Starlight blasts the showmare into the next room in an effort to shut her up. Sadly, her efforts send not only Trixie to the next dimension, but also Princess Luna.
While Starlight is panicking back in Equestria, Trixie and Luna discover that they did not turn into humans upon passing through the mirror portal. Instead, they are now fillies.
Saturdays suck.
MLP: FiMSexComedyPornTrixieJack Pot
Trixie had three plans for her weekend in Las Pegasus:
1. See some new tricks for her show at the stage-magic convention she'd been invited to.
2. Meet up with her mother, who would also be in town.
3. Get LAID. (Seriously, she was suffering through the LONGEST dry spell...)
Unfortunately for the Great and Powerful mare, everything was going horribly wrong on all three fronts...
until she made her way into Big Bucks's & Jackpot's show. Suddenly she was seeing the amazing 'Splashtastic Escape' magic-trick... and being given a backstage pass to meet the handsome star of the show. Perhaps this would be the perfect opportunity to achieve her goal to meet and bed a stud?
Little did she know, the Goddesses were playing the cruelest of tricks on her... the stallion was her father!
Would Trixie be able to find out in time? Would she be able to avoid committing accidental incest with her long-lost dad? Would she be able to avoid being impregnated by her father?
Warning contains: m/f, anal, incest (duh), vanilla sex, impregnation, oral play, light mindbreak
This fic was something I'd had planned for some time. When I found out that Shakespearicles was planning to do a Trixie Fic as well, I just HAD to coordinate with him to release on father's day so that we could saturate the site with beautiful Trixie-Jackpot smut! Armadilloeater also did a wonderful fic (unfortunately a week early), so it seems that the church of Trixie-smut is alive and well! Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Cover art and inspiration from Appel
MLP: FiMComedyRandomSlice of LifeTwilightTrixie
Princess Twilight Sparkle wakes up one night to find Trixie Lulamoon has... turned evil? Nope. But that might have been simpler. Twilight never thought the night would come where she'd debate the very nature of existence itself with Trixie!
Cover by Orin331
Praise be to Jordan179 for his inspiration.
Editors, Docontra, Frozen-Doopliss, Mtangalion.
MLP: FiMComedyTwilightCelestiaLunaTrixieStarswirl
Twilight was supposed to present a spell that would revolutionize Equestria. Instead, she uncovered secrets that the world—and Trixie—hoped would remain hidden.
Special thanks to FloydienSlip for editing.
MLP: FiMEquestria GirlsComedySlice of LifeTrixieFlash Sentry
You know what's a dumb idea? Taking the crew of a stranded cruise liner and marching them through a magical horse dimension to get home.
You know what's a smart idea? Grouping everybody in pairs so that they can buddy up and look after each other during the trans-dimensional trek.
When Flash Sentry is randomly partnered with an annoying fussy magician possessing an ego the size of the magical storm that sank them, he'd almost rather stay back on the wrecked ship.
MLP: FiMAdventureComedyHumanPinkieApplejack
It's not every day you wake up in another country after drinking your weight in Bahama Mamas at an Applebee's in South Dakota; it's not every day you wake up in Equestria, either. But Mego Mars has experienced both, and is about to have the adventure of his life trying to figure out how one led to the other. The kicker? He's suddenly a horse. And not just any horse; a little green girl horse. This isn't how the great adventure movie usually starts, is it?!
Written for Sparktail's AnonFilly contest, which had to focus on AnonFilly, a character I've never really heard of! But the fun thing is that 'AnonFilly' can really be anyone (so long as she's grumpy), and I liked the idea of a cute little pony actually being a big burly trucker doing his best to save Equestria!
MLP: FiMSexComedySlice of LifeMain 6
The Mane 6 decide to play Truth or Dare. Like all good games of Truth or Dare, they'll laugh, they'll cry, and it'll get a little weird.
Rated T for mentions of sex and some f-bombs.
Winner of RobCakeran53's long-form Quills and Sofas Speedwriting contest. Conceived and written over the course of a weekend. The prompt was "Around the table."
MLP: FiMRomanceAdventureComedyHumanRainbow DashMain 6
Curious about the number 23? Come check out the story that inspired Jim Carey's manager to ban any more movies with numbers for titles!
Even though Lyra Heartstring's "Anthropology" was discontinued from circulation years ago, my friends and I were still mildly interested in humans. Things got strange one day when I found my cutie mark had disappeared. Nopony has ever had a cutie mark disappear before, so where the heck did they go? And who messed with my mane?!
Written in tribute to a great guy... or is it pony now... named Twisted Spectrum, and the story they wrote five years ago that nearly made the world burn.
Disclaimer! May contain language, sexual situations, violence, and jokes not suitable for children, unless you let your kids watch Game of Thrones. In that case, you're awesome. Just not at parenting.
MLP: FiMComedyRandomSlice of LifeTwilightSpikeZecoraMain 6Starlight Glimmer
Twilight wakes up one morning. And she can't stop rhyming. The same is true for all of her friends. They aren't too happy about it, either.
Let's face it, neither would you.
MLP: FiMComedyRandomSlice of LifeTwilight
Twilight Sparkle fights her most nefarious enemy yet: her kitchen door.
She loses... well, almost.
Mild (pony-ized) profanity warning.
MLP: FiMComedySlice of LifeTwilightRainbow Dash
Twilight buys a toaster. It doesn't work very well. Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, she happens to be in earshot—and trying to check out a Daring Do book.
Rainbow Dash begins to question her life choices.
MLP: FiMComedyRandomFluttershyTwilightApplejackSpikeBig Mac
Twilight told her friends of her adventures in the Human world, but she didn't tell them everything. One dark secret haunts her still.
Hamburgers are delicious.
MLP: FiMComedyRandomSlice of LifeTwilightSpikeCelestiaOCMain 6
Have you ever heard strange voices in your head? Have you ever felt like your life is being observed or controlled by some omnipotent being? Twilight Sparkle has, and it's driving her up a wall; the FOURTH wall! Watch the hilarity ensue as Twilight hears the soothingly manly voice of yours truly!
MLP: FiMSexComedyRandomTwilightRainbow DashRarity
Apparently, she possesses the auspicious accolade of having the most lewds of any fictional character. For once, Twilight was not pleased to learn something.
MLP: FiMViolenceProfanityDarkComedyRandomTwilightCelestiaOCMain 6
Another super villain appears in Equestria! A former villain that was sealed away by Celestia and her sister, Luna, over a 1000 years ago (again). But now he is free and causing a rampage throughout the world! Now it is up to Twilight and her friends to stop him! But first, Twilight has to give Celestia a piece of her mind by withholding information about ANOTHER sealed away villain that escaped because of moronic reasons. Seriously, this is like what? The sixth one?!
Started Writing this in early 2017 but never finished due to reasons, so it takes place before season 7.
Featured 7/4/19 - 7/8/19!
MLP: FiMComedyRandomAlt. UniverseTwilightPinkieSpike
This story take place after the events in the episode Pinkie Keen.
Twilight Sparkle still obsessed over learning about Pinkie Pie's "Pinkie sense" delves into a spell that could give her the answers to finding out what Pinkie sense is. A personality spell that will alter her mindset to become just like the pink Party pony's for twenty four hours.
Spike is then in charge of keeping Twilight within the library. But soon finds himself battling the crazed Twilight who eventually escapes the confines of the library, and starts wrecking havoc upon Ponyville!
Editor Shadowmane PX-41
MLP: FiMComedyRandomSci-FiSlice of LifeCrossoverAlt. UniverseTwilightRarityCelestia
Twilight once thought she knew everything there was to know about cutie mark magic. She was wrong. As it turns out, there is a lot more content out there when it comes to cutie mark magic, unlocking that potential is something not just any pony can do, much to the frustration of a certain white-coated alicorn princess.
This is a dumb one-shot vaguely inspired by a writing prompt found on Reddit, and was a caffeine fueled midnight adventure into the wonderful world that is fan-fiction.
As my second ever fanfic, first ever completed fanfic, and first upload on this site, I don't expect greatness, but what better way is there to learn and improve?
Feel free to point out any errors I might have missed, as well as anything that is particularly irritating to read, or that doesn't make sense grammatically. Most of all though, hope you enjoy!
Teen tag is for the use of a naughty word or two (depending on what you consider naughty or not)
Cover is by the ever amazing Evehly, used with permission.
Edit: Featured? Thank you so much everyone, this is heaps more than I had hoped for, I really appreciate that!
MLP: FiMGoreDarkAdventureComedyTragedyCrossoverSpikeTrixieAngelMain 6
An evil stalks Ponyville, killing and claiming the dead. Twilight is sent a book to combat the vampire menace, but will she learn fight in time to save her friends? Is Twilight the Slayer, and who will train her?
Vampires and Ponies. Nothing sparkles, but everypony bleeds.